Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inclement Weather Policy

I thought I should restate our Inclement Weather Policy, since we're probably going to get some snow in a few hours. Dog Days Playcare is ALWAYS open when we say we're going to be open. We do not close early, or open late. If the schools are closed, we don't close. If we say we'll be here til 7:00PM, we're here til 7:00PM. There are a few reasons we do this, but the most important one is that, for 365 days a year, there are dogs here. Those dogs need to eat, and go to the bathroom in an appropriate location and get some exercise. So even if everything else is shut down, we're here.

That doesn't mean we don't have a skeleton crew - but bear in mind that I live about 5 miles away, and I drive a 4-wheel drive vehicle (as does my husband). I can always get here, even if some of my employees can't. Last year, when we had those huge snowstorms that dumped feet of snow in our area, I and my husband spent a few nights at Dog Days, to ensure that someone would be here in the morning to take care of our boarding dogs. That is when I discovered that, just because you turn the lights out doesn't mean dogs stop barking. :| But it was kind of fun, like camping out, but with heat and hot water, and food and a real bathroom.

We tend to get inclement weather in January and February in this area, which is even better for our clients. Because if you can't get over here to pick your dog up, these are the quietest months of the year for us, so we always will have room to keep them overnight if we need to.

The only days we close are major holidays: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. We are HERE on those days; we're just not open to the public. But rest assured that your dogs are getting ample play time (at least 6 hours of it), plus regular feedings and potty breaks, just like a regular day.

So please please please don't worry about your dogs, if they're here with us during inclement weather or during a holiday. We'll be here, and we'll make sure they're well taken care of while they're here. That's what we do.

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