Friday, September 27, 2013

Max George, DOTW for 9/23-9/27!

Max George is the DOTW for 9/23-9/27! Max is a 5 year old probably chocolate Lab mix (with something small, because he's kind of a littler guy at about 40 lbs). Max has been coming to Dog Days for a few years now, since November of 2010. He is one of the sweetest boys in the large dog play area, and we love having him visit with us. He is pretty picky about who he plays with, but really likes Chloe W. and Daisy A. He's kind of a ladies' man. :) He can be very vocal when he gets excited, but otherwise, he's a pretty laid back fellow. We love showering him with attention when he's here, and are so happy to make him the DOTW this week. Congratulations, Max, we love you!

Watching Miami (left) and Daisy (middle) play

Friday, September 20, 2013

Brody Gary, DOTW for 9/16-9/20!

Brody Gary is the DOTW for 9/16-9/20! Brody is an almost 2 year old bichon frises mix who's been coming to Dog Days since mid-2012. Brody is one of the sweetest small dogs we have, and loves his people. He's a great cuddler and snuggler. But Brody also has some really good friends in the small dog area, like Brutus and Sammy V. He's a gentle boy with a not too rough play style, so he gets along well with everyone in the play area. He's a stable, laid back fellow and we always enjoy having him come visit with us. What a sweetheart! Congratulations, little man, woo woo!

Playing with Sammy P.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Lake Gammon, DOTW for 9/9-9/13!

Lake Gammon is the DOTW for 9/9-9/13! Lake is a 1.5 year old yellow Lab who's been coming to Dog Days since she was just about 4 months old, so she's grown up here. Lake has lots of friends and is a really active girl - her best friends are Miami, Riley B. and Woody. Not only does she like to play rough and tumble with the other dogs, but she's also really ball focused. She says "as long as you throw the ball, I'll go get it." She's not a girly girl either, but rolls around on the floor like a true tomboy. We love Lake, and are happy to make her the DOTW this week. Congratulations, Lake!

Waiting for the ball with Loki and Jameson

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sammy Viswanathan, DOTW for 9/2-9/6!

Sammy Viswanathan is the DOTW for 9/2-9/6! Sammy is a 4 year old Shih Tzu who's been coming to Dog Days since late 2012. We see Sammy often, which is great, because he's one of those very playful dogs that really enjoys coming to daycare. Sammy has a lot of friends, and can keep up with the best of them; his best friends are Waffles, Buddy H. and Suki (all pretty active dogs). He also loves to retrieve the ball and is always up for a good game of tug. We always enjoy Sammy's visits, and are happy to make him the DOTW this week! Congratulations, Sammy!

In the center, staring straight at me

Playing with Suki

Playing tug with Buttercup