Thursday, December 16, 2010

Prepare your dog for boarding in advance

I just want to remind everyone that, if you're one of those people who boards their dog at a daycare only once or twice a year, you might consider bringing your dog to play at daycare in preparation before the boarding stay. Some dogs who only visit us rarely can be quite nervous when they're dropped off for a boarding stay. They aren't used to us, our schedule, or the other dogs that are here. It often helps to bring them for a half day or so of daycare, so they "remember" that we're not a scary place, and that you will return to get them. A nervous dog often doesn't eat well, has loose stools, or can be fearful (of other dogs or people). We often see dogs who come visit, and only after two or three days do they settle in enough to actually start enjoying themselves. It's a shame when their visit isn't much longer than that, and they finally start to play about the time their parents pick them up. Even if you can't get over here during the week, we're open both Saturday and Sunday for play, and would love to have your dog join us!

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