Friday, August 24, 2012

Ollie Wente, DOTW for 8/20-8/24!

Ollie Wente is the DOTW for the week of 8/20-8/24! Ollie is a 10 year old Dachshund mix who's been coming to Dog Days since mid-2011. Ollie is very playful for an older guy, and really likes hanging out with Brutus and Brody. He also loves his people, and often spends time in whatever lap is available to him. He's a very sweet boy, and it's easy to spoil him rotten when he's here. We use him alot for dog interviews, because he's such a stable, social and friendly guy. We love you Ollie! Congratulations!

Hanging out with Nittany

Friday, August 17, 2012

Tess Foresha, DOTW for 8/13 - 8/17!

Tess Foresha is the DOTW for the week of 8/13-8/17! Tess is an almost 8-year old Border Collie who's been coming to Dog Days forever, since she was only 7 months old (July 2005). Tess has slowed down a bit as she's aged, and we don't think she hears too well anymore (that, or she's REALLY GOOD at ignoring us!), but she used to play, play, play all the time. Her best friend forever is Joyce's Murphy, because he completely understands her play style, and plays that way himself (he's a Border Collie mix himself). They chase and poke at each other, then grab each other's back legs. Tess is also one of Murphy's first girlfriends. We love our Tessie, and are happy to finally make her the DOTW this week. It's much deserved. Woo woo Tess!
In her much younger days...

With Murphy (left) her boyfriend

Friday, August 10, 2012

Smithy Mendelson, DOTW for 8/6-8/10!

Smithy Mendelson is the DOTW for the week of 8/6-8/10! Smithy is an 11.5 year old Cocker Spaniel who's been coming to Dog Days since mid-2006. Smithy used to visit with his crazy Boston terrier sister Ubu in tow, but he doesn't come into the play area anymore because of health issues. We still get to see him when he comes for grooming though. Smithy was always a laid back fellow in the play area, and is one of the handsomest Cockers we have. And he must have the patience of a saint, to put up with his crazy sister. :) We love you Smithy and are glad we still get to see you! Congratulations!

From February 2011, when Smithy could still be in the play area

Friday, August 3, 2012

Clover McBride, honorary DOTW for 7/30-8/3

Clover McBride is the honorary DOTW for the week of 7/30-8/3. Clover was an 11 year old Lab who was one of Dog Days' first clients. Clover joined us for the first time in January 2005, and had been coming ever since, both by herself, and with her brother Cosmo. Clover was a bit of a cop in the play area, and would bark at the dogs that she thought were playing too hard - we always appreciated the help. :) Clover and Joyce's Emma were special friends - two old Lab ladies, who'd hang out near each other and watch the younguns get into trouble. We lost Clover last week to a fast-growing tumor, but wanted to make her the honorary DOTW this week, because it won't really seem like Dog Days without Clover. Clover, you were a special girl and you will be missed. Run free at the Bridge.
What a sweet face

With Cosmo, her brother