Today I want to talk a little bit about Leptospirosis. If you own a dog, most likely, your dog at some point has received a Leptospirosis vaccine - either as a part of the Distemper combination vaccine (sometimes listed as DHLPP) or by itself. We've noticed that recently, many of our local vets are splitting the Leptospirosis part of the Distemper combo vaccine out. This means that, in the future, your dog may receive a Distemper combo vaccine that does NOT contain the Leptospirosis part, and may instead get a separate Leptospirosis vaccine. My personal vet is doing this - the Distemper vaccine is still good for 3 years; the Leptospirosis vaccine is only good for 1 year. One of the main reasons vets are separating the Lepto vaccine from the others is that, when a dog has a vaccine reaction to the old Distemper combo vaccine, many times it was the Lepto portion of the vaccine the dog was reacting to. If the vaccines are separated, vets can better control vaccine reactions.
So what is Leptospirosis? Leptospirosis is an organism that occurs almost everywhere. There are many strains of Leptospirosis (called serovars) - of these, there are approximately 8 that affect dogs. The canine vaccination only vaccinates against a few of these 8 serovars, and protection against those doesn't help against the other types. A dog can get Leptospirosis from the urine of an infected animal (often, rodents) when that urine comes in contact with mucous membranes. Stagnant or slow-moving water also is a suitable habitat for the Leptspirosis organism.
What are symptoms of Leptospirosis? A fever, shivering and muscle tenderness are the first signs. Dehydration (and vomiting) are usually present also. In advanced cases, the kidneys and liver can be affected. Usually, treatment is with antibiotics and fluids. Leptospirosis CAN be transmitted to humans from dogs as well, so if your dog has Leptospirosis, your vet will give you instructions on how to keep from getting it yourself.
So should you vaccinate your dog against Leptospirosis? The answer is, it depends. Your vet can help you decide if your dog might come in contact with the Leptospirosis organism, and if so, if the vaccine is warranted. Also, your vet should know if your dog has reacted to the Lepto vaccine in the past. I personally live in a small community with lots of ponds and paths around those ponds. Those paths also run through some woods. So my dogs might be more able to come in contact with the Leptospirosis organism. In addition, none of my dogs has reacted to the Lepto vaccine. So my vet gives my dogs the Lepto vaccine every year. But your situation may be different. You should work with your vet to decide if the Lepto vaccine is needed for your own dog.
At Dog Days Playcare, we do not REQUIRE the Lepto vaccine, although we do suggest it if your dog is part of the population that might get it. It is a very contagious disease, so obviously, any kennel situation (such as a dog daycare or traditional boarding kennel) will increase the spread of the disease if a dog comes in with it. But because some dogs can't tolerate the vaccine, or don't live in an area where they might come in contact with the organism, we leave the decision up to you and your vet.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Theo DePasquale, DOTW for 6/20 - 6/24!
Theo Depasquale is the DOTW for the week of 6/20 - 6/24! Theo is an almost 3 year old Cairn terrier mix who plays in our small dog area. He's been coming for a year and a half, and boy does he have fun! His best friends are Brutus, Milo, and Bowzer, but he'll play with anyone. Theo is a bundle of energy, and doesn't really have an "off" button - it's a lot of fun to watch him spin around the play area. But he loves to snuggle with his people as well. We always enjoy having him visit with us. Yea for Theo!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Boomer Dixon, DOTW for 6/13 - 6/17!
Boomer Dixon is the DOTW for the week of 6/13 - 6/17! Boomer is an almost 5 year old aptly named chocolate Lab. Boomer has been coming here for boarding and daycare since he was a little thing, at about 6 months old (way back in 2006). We used to be able to pick him up! Now Boomer is a strapping fellow at 90+ lbs. Boomer will play with just about anyone (Leeloo, Gracie), but really enjoys playing ball and getting his tummy rubbed. He LOVES to walk between your legs (from behind) then sit down, so you can lean down and rub his chest. He is one of our gentle giants, and doesn't have a mean bone in his big body. He's always happy and waggy, and smiles alot. We love our Boom-boom, and he'll always have a place here at Dog Days. It's well-deserved, Boomer! Congratulations!
Taking a break... |
Getting chewed on by Leeloo |
C'mon, throw the ball already! |
Friday, June 10, 2011
Elvis Hall, DOTW for 6/6 - 6/10!
Elvis Hall is the DOTW for the week of 6/6 - 6/10! Elvis is a 6.5 year old Westie who's been coming to Dog Days since he was about a year old. He's always been a happy-go-lucky dog and gets along well with all of the other small dogs. He has some good friends, like Brutus and Milo, but his favorite thing in the world is the ball - any ball. He will play ball forever. Elvis also has a beautiful beg - he sits up, and bats at you with both front paws simultaneously. We always enjoy having Elvis visit with us, and he always livens up the small dog area with his Westie attitude and high energy. We love ya, Elvis! Congrats!
Elvis with his BFF, the ball :) |
After a groom - he's so handsome! |
Elvis, with Theo |
Friday, June 3, 2011
Xixi Tolle, DOTW for 5/30 - 6/3!
Xixi Tolle is DOTW for the week of 5/30 - 6/3! Xixi (pronounced Cici) is a 15-year old (yes you read that right!) Chinese Foo Dog. Not only is she a rare breed, she's a rare dog. :) Xixi (along with her brother at the time, Amadeus) was one of our earliest clients here at Dog Days, and has been coming since late 2004. When she first started visiting with us, Xixi was really playful. Now that she's older (and has some health issues) she doesn't play anymore. But she's still a really social girl, and enjoys hanging out in the play area with her brother Fritzi. We love our Xixi, and hope she continues to surprise us with her spunkiness and longevity. We love you Xixi! Congratulations on the much-deserved DOTW title!
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What a sweet face! |
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Xixi, a few years ago |
Xixi by the playset |
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